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In pictures: The beaches of Costa Rica’s east and west coasts

Beach at Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica

With a coastline on both sides of the county, Costa Rica has no shortage of beaches with over 300 of them. They vary hugely – from black sand to pure white, from wave-battered surf spots to calm bays, from busy beach resorts to protected National Parks. Two of the most beautiful I visited were National Parks, where there’s no development, just you, the beach and some of the local wildlife. On the eastern, Caribbean coast is Cahuita National Park. Trails lead through the jungle, past lizards, sloths and monkeys, before emerging on a Bounty advert-style narrow white sand beach lined by palm trees. On the western, Pacific coast is Manuel Antonio National Park. The wide, horseshoe-shaped bays here are calmer but busier (watch out for the bag stealing monkeys) and with greeny-blue waters that are great for swimming.

Beach at Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica

Beach at Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica

Palm Tree in Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica

Palm tree and sloth at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

Tropical beach at Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

Sign on the beach at Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

25 Comments Post a comment
  1. Wow. They look amazing. Another place to add to my ever growing want to go and see list then!

    October 5, 2012
    • It’s a stunning part of the world, I’m hoping to get over there and see a bit more of the region nest year. Til then I thought I’d reminisce about warm sunny places as it’s starting to get so cold at home!

      October 5, 2012
  2. Beautiful beaches of my country Costa Rica. Anyone who dares to visit ever regret. We are waiting with open embers.

    October 5, 2012
  3. Reblogged this on franconsultor and commented:
    Beautiful beaches of my country Costa Rica. Anyone who dares to visit ever regret. We are waiting with open embers.

    October 5, 2012
  4. Aw I want to leave cold England for this! Looks beautiful!

    October 5, 2012
    • Me too, a bit of sun and beach time would be very welcome, I’ll have to make do with hibernating by the fire til my next trip!

      October 5, 2012
  5. This is beautiful! I knew there was a reason Costa Rica was on my ‘visit one day’ list!

    October 5, 2012
    • It is a really stunning place, hope you get to make it out there one day.

      October 5, 2012
  6. love.antoinette #

    I have come to such close proximities with Costa Rica and still have not visited! Lovely photos Luce!

    October 5, 2012
    • Thanks Antoinette, it was my first trip to that part of the world but I want to see much more of it!

      October 5, 2012
  7. Just gorgeous – thank you for cheering up a dull and dreary day (first back to work after hols!)

    October 5, 2012
    • Always hard getting back to normality after a trip, I usually end up planning my next one straight away!

      October 7, 2012
  8. wow this looks like a dream come true! bet you can reach the high level of relaxation and mind clearance there 🙂

    October 6, 2012
    • Definitely, it was a stunning place to get away from everything.

      October 7, 2012
  9. Brilliant and idyllic. I am planning a trip for 2015!

    October 6, 2012
    • Excellent! It’s making me want to go back to that part of the world again too, there’s so much to see.

      October 7, 2012
  10. We have entertained (and still are) the idea of moving to Panama. If we do we will have to visit Costa Rica. I have heard it’s beautiful down there (and yes warmer than where we live now). Thanks for sharing, I could see myself sitting on one of those beaches right now:-)

    October 9, 2012
    • I don’t know a lot about Panama but from my brief foray into that part of the world I loved it, such a good mix of landscapes and things to see, and that weather is definitely a winner!

      October 10, 2012
  11. Looking at Costa Rica for a family holiday over Christmas. Do you have any suggestions on areas for a family with 3 teenagers?

    October 10, 2012
    • Hi Martha, I think it would be a great place for teenagers. There’s a good mix of activities and things to do without too much travel between. I’d recommend La Fortuna/Volcan Arenal and Monteverde for horseriding, spas and adventurous sports, Tortuguero for wildlife spotting and boat trips among the canals, and the Nicoya Peninsula for surfing, snorkelling and beautiful beaches. If you need any tips please drop me an email.

      October 11, 2012
  12. Well be a great pleasure to have you here again, and I will make your pleasurable orders.

    October 20, 2012
    • Thanks, I hope to back to that part of the world soon!

      October 20, 2012
    • It will be a great pleasure and if you come please write would serve you as you deserve.

      February 9, 2013

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